Our Staff

Our nursery managers, Lucy Cook and Sarah Miles, have worked at Whitecross Day Nursery since 2002. Their qualifications include: NNEB, Early Years Professional Status, and BA honours in Early Years.

Alongside our brilliant managers are a team of 33 staff members, 5 of which are graduate leaders. All staff members have safeguarding training with other qualifications such as: First Aid, Fire Marshall, Food Hygiene, SENDC, EYFS, Phonics, Mathematics and Signalong . All staff members are fully DBS Police checked. 

As well as staff working with the children, we also have an in-house cleaner, a maintenance team member, an accountant, and our fully qualified cook, who prepares and cooks fresh and nutritious meals.

Staff recruitment

Through training, first hand experiences, robust policies and procedures and close partnerships with our families and outside professionals, we endeavour to provide a safe environment where all children can enjoy and achieve.

Whitecross Day Nursery prides itself on having a team of qualified staff.  We have a training plan which is a working document and the Management team actively seek training to support staff in their roles.

Our recruitment process for staff who join the nursery includes a written job application, interviews, trial sessions, references and full DBS Police Checks. Staff are fully inducted and undertake regular appraisals and training sessions.